TimeCapsule shoutbox trademark of Kewlio. Blogs courtesy of Tomathan Spatz. Starcraft is a registered trademark of Blizzard.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My birthday! :D

I have had a good three past days... each day i got presents! :D thats always fun. On Christmas eve my family and i went to my dads moms house and i got $55! $20 for my birthday $20 for christmas and a $15 gift card to target bringing my total in my wallet up to.... $85! zomg! only in my wallet... im gonna buy FFIII for DS and FFV for GBA! xD ... Then the next day i got a mp3 radio stereo a flash drive with which to use with my mp3 radio stereo and a cd... Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny . Although the CD i asked for time and time again was cheaper i didnt get it... o well! :D ... Then is today! i got a Family Guy hoodie a skull t-shirt and... my personal favorite... Mario Pajama pants that are made of fleece! WOO! that was the good side of this week...

Now for the not so good... i may have mono my mom may have mono and my dads starting to show signs of mono and my grandpa is sick too... Thats all!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Hello all... i have news for you today... im on new medication! i wont give the name of it for i know what it does... O.o but i have more than that... my ex girlfriend broke up with me to go out with one of my best friends... fuck em both! :) that is all!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Guess what everyone?!?! My dad didn't log out the computer!! Woo! That means endless hours of staying awake and playing maple story and talking and surfing the webs! And I'm doing just 2 of the above strangely... but I'm wishing good luck for all of you late night maplers though.

So does anyone know of this place set in the interwebular tubes? Other than me... I'm guessing no... but who knows? Not I.

O.k. Nothing happened the past few days except i got kidnapped, got grounded, me and my girlfriend broke up and now were going out again, and my kitty broke its paw... my big event of this week is i found a 12 def pan lid on maple... *cries* how pathetic. and my mom almost died due to an allergic reaction

Well who wants to hear about my girlfriend... too bad! (for those who said not me)

First off shes much smaller than I am by like around a head... and shes cute but also at times an annoying pain... if she talks about dirty things she needs details... maybe shes not smart enough in the head to figure out these kinds of things on her own... also she has very little iddy bitty tittys at the age of 13 or 14... i forgot lol... I'm sure all you pedophiles are getting a hard-on from me explaining her to you... But also... I get ungrounded tomorrow so that means I get to see her! Yay!

Ok then... Now to explain everything that has happened in the last few days... Teh Kidnapping- i was in my house when suddenly a cloud of ninjas burst from my pottery i fought them all of with my ancient kung-fu and won... then about 2 hours later i heard a knock on my door it was coy... he said there was a dead deer in the park... thinking like stile i asked to go out to the park to take a picture of it... so I'm down at the park and suddenly from the shadows comes josh... who proceeds to put a pillowcase over my head... then tries to trip me... neither are successful... then Westi bursts from the top of the chair! (Woah! A real life chair!) He has rope in his hands trips me ties me up puts duct tape on my mouth and puts the pillow case on my head... then they take turns *pissing* on me... which ended up to be warm water... after that i get the tape off my mouth and they rip it off the rest of the way... then they take me up a slide by pulling on the rope and making me jump up stairs... btw my feet are tied together also... so after going down the slide while tied up and getting stuck they decide it would be funny to drop me on my front porch... so they do this... by once again making me jump... and ring the doorbell and run... my brother answers the door... and laughs... then after he cuts me lose i get grounded for it... -.- ... ok next things wont take as long

Teh Seperation
- my girlfriend was mad and broke up with me... 2 days later were back together! dones!

Teh Broken Paw- no idea... lol... next!

Teh Almost Dead Mommy- my mom had an allergic reaction from something... her throat closed up... and she almost died if not for the quick thinking of my dad who gave her a benadryll while she was still able to swallow... One more to go!

Teh Panlid- i killed 1 green mushroom and found a 12 def pan lid

I feel like I'm missing something... *starts screaming at turkeys chickens and quails* damn poultry... well that is all for now... Bye Bye! sorry if this bored you or excited you! love you all... except you

Friday, December 1, 2006

The First Of Many... Perhaps

This is a blog. It blogs with blogness. Enjoy whatever blogings come from it from now til I give up/die/stop caring/go into a mental instution/stop writing/something big happens/the world ends.

Hell o... my name is Mr. Spatz as you may be able to tell from the web page...

Or is it... No actually its not... It's Michael Gavin... Why i ham telling the reader this... (The reader is you) incase you is unknown to me... Now then... I have mental disorders up the anal cavity which we all have. I'd name them all but... I'd forget and it takes too long.

Now there are are a few things to know about me before I stop writing... I hate myspace. I love barbecue sauce. That is all for now... byebyes!